Thursday, April 30, 2009

Home on the range

So we are home from St. Maarten and boy do I wish we were back on that beautiful island. Work is so draining, but our house is finally coming together and our deck passed inspection. Shawn has been working on the deck for almost two months now and it is finally finished with the exception of a little stain.
This weekend we are having a huge housewarming party and we are so excited for everyone to see our new home despite the fact that it is not totally put together yet. We still need some furniture and stuff but it is 80% finished in my opinion. Homeownership means never being finished and we are fine with that.
Life is grand and I am going to the doctor today for our four month checkup. Keep you posted.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh Vacation Is So Sweet!!

Vacation is so fabulous!!

We are having a wonderful time. Shawn and I rented a four-wheeler and toured the entire island. It is only 37.5 square miles so it takes about two hours to drive around the entire island. We went to this old coral reef and Shawn found a large conch shell in the water. Even the locals we have become friends with said they have not found them and they have lived here for their entire lives!! We then went out on a speedboat the next day to Tintamarre Island, where we had an ancient volcanic mud bath. When we jumped in the ocean after the mud had dried, our skin was soft as silk. Then we went on to Pinel Island where we ate lunch, laid in the crystal clear waters, and snorkeled over reefs. We saw so many amazing fish, and Shawn found another gigantic conch shell, but the slug was still alive inside so we left it. The waves were bouncy and we were so tired yesterday that we just walked the short five minute jaunt into Philippsburg to shop and hang out. It was awesome and we are having a blast. Today we are just going to hang out and take a hike with our absolutely fabulous new friends from Ontario, Mark and Kathy. We have been having a blast with them and wish they lived closer but they are already promising many trips to see us.

We are going to be so sad to leave, but excited to see Shrek and share our adventures with everyone.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Gorgeous St. Maarten

We are officially in gorgeous St. Maarten!!!!
We arrived after about 14 long hours of flying from midnight to 2pm, but we are finally here. The water is completely clear and the color of pure turquiose. We walked into our room and have a jetted bathtub big enough for about four people and a view of the bay on our large balcony that I could take home with me.

Today we transfer to our home for the week and are looking forward to just snorkeling and swimming all day. The pina coladas are absolutely amazing and the people are friendly.

Shawn and I are so happy to be here and keep looking at each other with these huge grins, incredulous that we are finally here!!!!

This morning we woke up and worked out together, which was such a treat. Now we are off to the beach!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So we officially go to St. Maarten in 38 hours and we are so excited. Our bags have been packed since Saturday and we are just waiting for Thursday night to come so we can board the plane and get to our tropical island destination.

The morning sickness is about gone but now my bottom ribs are killing me. The doctor said it is from the extreme amount of growth I have had in my breast tissue, so I am just praying they go back to their normal humongous size after the baby or I am going to have to have these puppies reduced. It is really only bad after work, when I have been sitting at a computer all day. I am working on kind of sitting back while I am typing and Shawn is wonderful and helps me get dinner and all together at night.

The deck is finished and now when we get home from vacation we will have one weekend to prepare for the gigantic house warming party we are throwing on May 2. It should be a blast and I am looking forward to entertaining eventhough our house is not in perfect shape.