Friday, June 26, 2009

Abigail's Crib

Last night Shawn finally got the crib we have been wanting for our little Abigail. There were none in Colorado but Shawn managed to get the one that was shipped into the state for the next 12 weeks. He of course had to put it together right away and it is so cute. We put her little bedding on it and thus starts the decorating of the nursery!!

Monday was absolutely amazing because I saw her actually kick so hard that my tummy visibly moved. It was both incredible and kind of creepy at the same time. Her kicking is definitely becoming stronger and more consistent. Yesterday I thought she was going to kick through me to the chair I was sitting on at work.

We are on a mad hunt to find an RV, this is primarily fueled by Shawn. It seems once a man gets an idea in his head there is no turning back. Shawn has been looking online and wants an RV so he can take his girls to Yellowstone and be safe when they are camping. We saw a very nice one last night, but I am just not sure we are going to use it enough to justify the cost. Oh well, you only live once right.

In other news we have lost three icons this week Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. Wow.

Monday, June 15, 2009

23 weeks, WOW

Abigail is now 23 weeks old and weighs a pound. It is odd but it seems like I have been pregnant both forever and for just a short time. Shawn and I found new bedding we like and we bought it. The bedding is light pink and brown with baby cows, horses, bears, and rabbits on it. It is very girly and frilly but so cute. We also bought her her very first pair of shoes. They are pink flip flops that even have a little thong. Oh my God, they are adorable!!

This weekend was great, we boated every day and managed to avoid the horrific storms and tornadoes, but just barely. The weather has been so freaky and one minute it is gorgeous out and the next it is like tornado alley and hailing.

Shawn and I went to a couple of parties and said goodbye to a dear friend who is moving to Fargo, North Dakota to be with the love of her life. We are going to miss her, but luckily her family lives here so she has to come back to visit!!

Life is so good and we feel so blessed to first of all, have each other, and be so in love. Then we are extremely thankful for Abigail and our sweet dog Shrek, and our amazing friends and family. Plus we have a gorgeous house, nice cars, and an awesome boat on a private lake. Wow we are so lucky!!

Next week.......six months pregnant!!!!!!!! We had better find a crib!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Sunday Shawn and I were driving home from his mom's house when we saw this giant funnel cloud. We were both totally fascinated as you could actually see it swirling in the sky. It was about half a mile from us in this field. Then all of a sudden, it dropped anchor and started twisting on the ground, throwing debris everywhere.
Well, then Shawn and I were hooked so we started pretending we were storm chasers and were sort of following the tornado. It was honestly one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Shrek laid in the back and napped, thinking his parents were total freaks. It was a blast.

In other news, Abigail is the 22 weeks and the size of a spaghetti squash this week. Shawn and I have been desperately trying to find a crib we think will be cute and sturdy enough for our little monkey. However, we are having a very difficult time finding one that is not $1000 (anyone who knows us will not be suprised that we like the most expensive cribs you can find). Shawn finally got onto Ebay yesterday and scored the crib we have been wanting for $80, a steal. Unfortunately, he did not read the fine print and the fact that the seller lives in New York and refuses to ship the crib. Now we are back to square one. Oh well, we will find the one we want I am sure.

Only 127 days until Abigail's due date. We are so excited it is ridiculous!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a girl!!!!!!

Well we had our 20 week ultrasound last week on Wednesday May 27, 2009 and found out that our little monkey is going to be a girl. Her name will be Abigail Marie O'Neill.
So now that we know the gender, we allowed ourselves to go to Babies' R' Us and pick out a theme and all of that good stuff. The theme is called Jungle Luv and has elephants and monkeys and rhinos. It is very cute. Plus many of our friends who just had babies have been giving us stuff so we are feeling very blessed.

Man I am so excited, yet nervous and overwhelmed at the same time. I cannot wait to meet Abigail and take care of her. She is going to be an extremely loved child.