Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Abbie is two months

Abbie with her great grandpa Jack.
Abigail meeting her great grandma Lois.

Abbie sitting on Santa's lap. She is so cute!!

Abigail is officially two months old. She had her two month check-up with the doctor and she now weighs 10lbs 12oz and is 23 1/2 inches long!! Wow!!

Abigail met Santa and absolutely loved him. While all of the other kids were screaming and crying, Abbie sat on his lap and smiled and cooed. Then she pooped, which was absolutely hilarious.

Then Abigail's great grandparents, Jack and Lois, came to Colorado to meet her despite record cold. It was so cold one of our pipes even froze!! Abbie loves her GGMa and GGPa and we are looking forward to going to Florida to see them on the 30th of December.