Monday, October 26, 2009

Almost 3 weeks old

Abigail saw the pediatrician for her two week check-up last week and she is doing fabulous. She weighs 6lbs 6oz, so almost an entire pound in one week. She had grown 1/2 an inch and is very healthy. We are currently working on breastfeeding as her mouth was too little up until now. It is going rather well and we are getting the hang of it finally.

Perhaps the most wonderful thing ever is seeing her smile and laugh. In her sleep she will laugh hysterically and it is probably the sweetest sound ever. I cannot wait until she laughs when she is awake!! But I am not trying to hurry a thing.

Shawn and I love being parents and can hardly believe how precious and beautiful Abigail really is. We made her, it is just astonishing. She is going through a stage right now where she only wants to be held so she typically sleeps on my chest or else she is not happy. I do not believe you can spoil a baby too much and it is just deepening her bond with both Shawn and myself.

Her great Grandma Max came out and has been spending time with little Abbie. Also for thre days last week her Grandma from Florida, Becky, came out and had a wonderful time bonding with baby Abigail. It was great to have some time with her.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Abigail is 9 days old

Wow, how fast time flies by. Abigail is 9 days old today and she is gaining weight and becoming more beautiful every day. Right now she is such a daddy's girl. Her little face lights up when he comes home from work, it is so amazing to see. We are working on the breastfeeding but her mouth is still too little to feed herself this way so I pump 6 times a day and we feed her. She has this little baby bottle and she loves to hold it while she eats. Abbie is a wonderful baby, she almost never cries and she just watches you and smiles. It is amazing being a wonderful, although the sleep deprivation is a bit difficult. I am still healing from the c-section which is very painful at times, but all is well. Next week we go to the pediatrician for Abigail's two week check-up and then off to the lactation consultant to hopefully get our little girl breastfeeding. Boy would that save me a lot of time!!!!!!!! I do not care how much sleep I lose, or how much work I have to do, I am so in love and I will do anything for my little girl.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Abigail's first two days

Abigail is doing fabulous. She is eating like a champ and absolutely adores her daddy. Shawn has barely even let me hold her and I am her mom!! At this point, I have yet to change a dirty diaper or even put her clothes on because Shawn is such a wonderful, hands on dad. It is amazing and I feel so blessed. She has now met Grandma Judy and Grandpa Mike, Grandma Diana and Rolando, Uncle Bert, Uncle Kyle, and her godmother Carla. She is going to be so loved and adored.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pictures of Abigail's Birth

Abigail Is Here

Abigail was originally suppossed to arrive on October 12th but due to decreasing amniotic fluid levels and my health suffering the doctor, Shawn and I decided to begin inducing her Thursday October 9 at 8pm so she most likely would have been born Friday night october 9 or Saturday October 10. However, when I went in for my pre-testing on Tuesday October 6, the doctor became concerned about my failing health and stressing out Abigail so he sent me directly to labor and delivery to start the induction. At first he put this tape around my cervix with prostoglandins in it that are suppossed to soften the cervix. I allegedly had some small contractions but luckily never felt even one. Then after twelve hours of the tape, I was started on Pitocin, which starts contractions of the uterus. Again, I was contracting but not feeling them. However my hips began to hurt and due to the Pitocin I was forced to lie still in the bed so they could monitor Abigail. I just could not get comfortable and I was starting to get very irritated so Shawn and I decided to go for an epidural to make me comfortable. We would need the epidural anyways for the c-section if that was needed later. That was the best decision we made as I was able to relax. Finally, after about 18 hours of "laboring", Abigail's heart rate started to decelerate slightly when I was contracting, and still only barely 2cm dilated, so we went with the c-section. What an extremely strange feeling knowing people are cutting you open but not being able to feel it at all. I got kind of scared but all went great and out came Abigail, gorgeous and perfect, and yelling plus starving!! She took to breast feeding great and sleeps for hours at a time until we wake her up to eat. SHE IS SO PRECIOUS!!