Friday, October 16, 2009

Abigail is 9 days old

Wow, how fast time flies by. Abigail is 9 days old today and she is gaining weight and becoming more beautiful every day. Right now she is such a daddy's girl. Her little face lights up when he comes home from work, it is so amazing to see. We are working on the breastfeeding but her mouth is still too little to feed herself this way so I pump 6 times a day and we feed her. She has this little baby bottle and she loves to hold it while she eats. Abbie is a wonderful baby, she almost never cries and she just watches you and smiles. It is amazing being a wonderful, although the sleep deprivation is a bit difficult. I am still healing from the c-section which is very painful at times, but all is well. Next week we go to the pediatrician for Abigail's two week check-up and then off to the lactation consultant to hopefully get our little girl breastfeeding. Boy would that save me a lot of time!!!!!!!! I do not care how much sleep I lose, or how much work I have to do, I am so in love and I will do anything for my little girl.

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