Friday, July 29, 2011

Michigan Family Reunion, July 2011

Well Abigail took her very last plane ride without her own seat on July 20th. Mommy and Abigail flew to Fenton, Michigan to go visit GGMa and GGpa DeCew as well as Aunt Lori, Uncle Brad, and cousins Alison and Emily. Dad flew in the next day and Grandma Judy and Grandpa Mike were already in Michigan.

The trip was wonderful but a whirlwind of activity. Wednesday we arrived in Michigan and attempted to unwind from a long day of traveling (a 21 month old crazy monkey on your lap for almost 6 hours alone is insane). We went for a boat ride and had some of GGMa's awesome meatballs and noodles. The next day, Daddy arrived so we spent the evening on the boat and played in the water. Abigail is crazy about the water to say the least. Then Friday we had a fantastic day. Grandpa Mike drove us to a few herb farms where we saw tons of real frogs on lily pads and made the frogs jump into the water. Mom pretended to be a mule and pulled Daddy and Abigail around the herb farm in a cart. Then we went to Halo Burger for Abigail and Shawn's first Halo Burgers and cream ales. So Yummy!! That afternoon we went on Lori and Brad's boat and Abigail jumped a good five feet about 50 times off of the boat into the water!! Then it was off to Lori and Brad's house for an awesome dinner of lamb, shrimp, and lasagna. Mom and Dad loved the rum punch!!!!!!!!!

Saturday morning we all piled into cars to drive to Traverse City up North. Mom and I rode with GGMa and GGPa while Dad rode with Grandma Judy and Grandpa Mike. It was a very long trip but Lake Michigan was absolutely gorgeous once we got there. We then drove to GGPa's sister's house, my great-great Aunt Linda, right on the water. I had a blast there playing in the lake, going for a paddle boat ride, and playing in a bucket of water with a little fishing game Aunt Linda gave me. I also met tons of cousins and ate great food. Sunday we drove around Traverse City and went shopping, then we made the long trek back to GGMa and GGPa's for another boat ride and FIREFLIES!!

GGPa and Daddy caught me a bunch of fireflies and it was so cool to see them light up. I was amazed and also loved the bonfire.

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